Officer Jesus Caro

We are looking for people who want to make a difference in people’s lives, and the community they serve.
Creative thinking, ethical decision-making, and maturity are traits we are looking for in those looking to join our team.
See what we offer in terms of assignments, training, and culture.
Meet the command staff who lead the men and women of Santa Maria PD.
Learn more about the city of Santa Maria and why people live here.
See what we offer in terms of assignments, training, and culture.
Meet the command staff who lead the men and women of Santa Maria PD.
Learn more about the city of Santa Maria and why people live here.
“As a teenager, I was part of the Santa Maria Police Department Explorer Program. This program helped me tremendously with becoming a …”
The Santa Maria Police Department offers a generous employment package consisting of great salary and benefits.
$5,635.24 – $6,849.68
$6,917.17 – $8,407.88
$5,989.21 – $7,279.91
Becoming a police officer at the Santa Maria Police Department is a lengthy, but extremely important process. We want professionals with a strong work ethic who desire to be part of a team, are community and service orientated, and have strong communication skills.
Submit an application on line.
Successfully pass our qualification exams.
Complete the police academy.
Complete the field training program.
Complete 18-month probation.
Submit an application on line.
Successfully pass our qualification exams.
Complete the police academy.
Complete the field training program.
Complete 18-month probation.
We want to help you succeed in our testing process, so we created a section on our website covering the different testing and hiring phases.
One of the very first steps in the hiring process, the written examination is designed to evaluate your skills of comprehension, retention, and interpretation. The best preparation you can do for yourself is to regularly read articles, books, and documents in the English language from a variety of sources and covering a broad range of topics…
A career as a line-level patrol officer, is not for the faint of heart – or weak of muscle. Without even considering the elements of engaging in physical contact, or chasing a fleeing suspect on foot, the position requires you to work long hours with several pounds of gear packed around your body daily, twist and maneuver in and out of a patrol vehicle multiple times per shift, as well as sit for extended periods to type…
As you progress through the hiring process, we will be taking a closer look at who you are and what you are about. You should do the same for us! Take some time to do research about the department through open source information, and learn as much as you can about us…